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One Piece 552 English by SKS
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The Reason Why I Update My Blog Again
If There is a Future, We Want It Now (?)
Menyimak Prospek JKT48 di Indonesia
JKT48's First Theater Show and The Public Impression
Goreng insum dan goreng insum dan kembali ke goreng insum
Source: himajin @ 2ch
Verification: confirmed
ONE PIECE 552 Spoiler Summaries and Predictions
Source: nja @ 2ch
Verificatiom: confirmed
タイトル エースと白ヒゲ
白ヒゲ はあ?そんなこといったっけ?俺は行けといったが…?
エース 嘘はつくな!!!!
息子どもに意見をいうオヤジ 息子(隊長達) 親父が行けっていったからお前が行ったんだ
センゴク 白ヒゲはグラグラの実の能力者地震人間だ
こちらが数で有利だと思うな 奴は世界を滅ぼせる力をもつ男だ!!!!
で完です 2つの巨大な津波がきてるんだが片方はアオキジが止めるとしても
English Translation
Cover page shows Chopper escaping from the fate of being eaten.
Title: Ace and Whitebeard
Luffy already knew Ace and himself are not related
He told the guys on his ship that Ace was Roger’s son (Similar to the time when Grap told the SHs about Luffy’s father)
Scene switches to Ace
Ace’s flashback
during his journey ~ he met Shanks and thanked him for saving Luffy ~ discusses something about joining the Shichibukai
he provoked Whitebeard ~ fought with Jinbei for 5 days ~ fought with Whitebeard later ~
he remembered the days he spent on WB’s ship plotting to take WB’s life ~ the day he acknowledged WB as his father ~ till the day Blackbeard escaped
Whitebeard said he didn’t want to pursue the Blackbeard incident
I ignored his orders and went after BB anyway… even though he might abandon me because of this
Ace said
Whitebeard: What? Since when did I say something like that? didn’t I order you to go?
Ace: Don’t Lie !!!!
WB started discussing his opinions with his division commanders
Sons(division commanders): You went because Father told you to do so… It’s not your fault~
WB created a gigantic tsunami that is capable of slicing the air apart.
Sengoku: WB posseses the power of the shake shake fruit, he’s an Earthquake man
Don’t start thinking we have an advantage just because we are superior in numbers, He is a man who have the power to destroy the world !!!!
The tsunami is coming from two sides, even if Aokiji manages to stop it from one side
the other side will have to be stopped by Akainu somehow. If they can’t stop the tsunami…
I think 50 thousand marines will be wiped out in an instant…
Whitebeard is too strong ><
Trivia: The Shichibukai are a group of seven of the strongest pirates in the world and are one of the 3 Great Powers, the others being the Yonkou and Marine Headquarters. Each member seems to have some certain ability or power, the majority of which are Devil Fruit. These abilities can often times vary depending on the Shichibukai’s theme. Some of their abilities appear to contradict each other: for example, Blackbeard’s power involves drawing people to him, while Kuma’s involves rejecting people away from him; and Doflamingo’s power allows him to control the motion of other people to his will, while Hancock immobilizes them by turning them into stone. In the case of Crocodile and Jinbei, this opposition also extends to the environment where their abilities reach their full zenith.
Naruto 458 Spoiler Picture
Download Naruto 458 raw camp…!!
Naruto 458 Spoiler Summaries
credits : ohana
458 五影の大論戦…!!
ガアラ『オレから話す 聞け』
土影『ずいぶんと五影も様変わりしたの その歳で影を名乗るとは
大したもんじゃぜ 風影殿よ オヤジさんの指導がさぞ素晴らしかったようじゃが
水影『土影様チャチャをいれないでください 風影様続けて…』
ガ『…オレは元人柱力だ ”暁”に拘束され 尾獣を抜かれ殺されかけもした』
会談を隙間から見ている テマリ カンクロウ
…前火影以外はな そもそもここまでひと柱力を奪われておいて
土『フン… 五大国の隠れ里が人柱力を奪われたとあっては他国に示しがつかん!
大恥じゃぜ! 秘密裏に回収するのが常識じゃぜ 奪われた時点で他国に
黙って聞いてる 赤土 黒土
ガ『体裁… 面目… くだらぬ古い考えだ』
2nd part
水『尾獣が奪われたからといって それがすぐ恐怖につながる訳ではありません
土『人柱力は尾獣と共に成長し 順応させる必要がある
かつての うちはマダラと初代火影桂間… それに四代目水影の
やぐら …雷影殿の弟キラービーくらいだった だが…』
フートルネ。青、長十郎 反応すると
雷『ぐだぐだと いいかげんにしろ!!』
たたき割ると同時に フートルネ。青、長十朗。テマリ、カンクロウ。赤黒土
ミフネ『ここは話し合いの場でござる 礼を欠いた行動は慎んでもらいたい』
ダ『下がれ フートルネ』
ガ『お前等もだ カンクロウ テマリ』
水『青 長十朗 大丈夫よ…』
雷『…木の葉!岩!砂!霧! お前らの里の抜け忍で構成されとるのが
”暁”だ! それだけではないぞ!! 前任者の影も含めた お前らの中には
雷『ワシはお前らを信用しておらん! 話し合いすらする気もなかった!
だがワシがここへきて 五影を召集したのは いいかげんお前らの
雷『風影のくせに何も知らされてないのか!自里の じじい共に聞いてみろ!
お前らは かつて戦争に”暁”を利用してきた!』
3rd part
各国間の緊張緩和で戦争の脅威が小さくなれば 国にとって軍事力である里は
金食い虫の邪魔な存在じゃ… かと言ってじゃぜ それはリスクでもある
土『自里で優秀な忍びを育成するには手間と金がかかるが 戦争を生業としている
”暁”は常に現役のプロ集団 しかし安い金で戦争を請け負う その上最高の結果を
雷『砂は”暁”を利用し木の葉崩しに利用した 大蛇丸だ…!その時”暁”を
抜けていたかどうかは定かではないが! それで風影と火影の前任者が死んだ』
青(まさか五代目は あの事を…!)
それが”暁”の可能性もあった… だから事を大げさにはしたくなかった…』
4th part
土『口を慎め雷影!そもそも この軍縮の時代に お前らがなりふりかまわず
力を求めて忍術を集めよるから… 対抗するために”暁”を雇わざる得んようになったんじゃぜ』
ダ『…立場の事で言い争う前に 先ほど言おうとしたことを皆に伝えたい…』
ダ『”暁”のリーダーは おそらく うちはマダラだ』
土、雷、風、水 !?
土『おやつは とっくに死んどるハズじゃぜ…!?』
ダ『ワシもよくは分からん…ただ かなり確かな情報だ』
ミフネ『中立国の長の立場から言わせていただこう ”暁”のリーダーは時代の流れを
読んでいた… 国々の安定…そして国々の不信感のスキを突き力の拡大を計った…
このままでは鉄の国も… しかし災い転じて福となす…五影が全員揃う事も滅多にある事ではない
どうであろう”暁”を処理するまでの間… 世界初の五大隠れ里…忍連合軍をつくってみては』
ダ『…いい案だ 今は非常事態に等しい協力こそが必要だ』(…いい流れだ)
ミフネ『指揮系統は統一するのが望ましい これ以上混乱は避けねばならぬ』
拙者が提案したい この五影の中で誰が適任なのか』
final part
サイ『そう…サスケを庇うためにね 体中ボロボロで…でも絶対サスケを売らなかった
それに…君を心配させまいと この事はサクラには黙っておけって…』
サイ『カカシ先生はナルトを信じてるから たとえ無理だとしてもチャンスは作ってあげたいんだ と思う』
サイ『ボクは最近サスケの代わりにカカシ班に配属された だからカカシ班の事は
まだよく分からないし… …人の感情もよく分からない』
ナルト(…ンなもんできっかよ 約束も守れねェ男がよ…)
(ナルト…私の一生の……お願い サスケくんをサスケくんを連れ戻して)
サクラ ハッとする『…!!』
小さいナルト サクラちゃんはサスケが大好きだからなぁ…
サクラ目に涙 ジワ…
小さいナルト 今サクラちゃんがホントに苦しんでるって事は痛いほど分かるってばよ…
サスケはぜってーオレが連れて帰る! 一生の焼いう即だってばよ!!
小さいナルト …サクラちゃん!オレ… 約束は絶対守るってばよ
まっすぐ自分の言葉は曲げねェ それがオレの忍道だからよ…
サイ『ナルトを苦しめてるのはサスケだけど… 君もなんじゃないのかい?』
Naruto 458 Spoiler English Translation
458 The great debate of the five kage
Gaara: I will talk, listen
Earth: The five kages have changed a lot, if you can be a kage so young. Kazekage, your father was a wonderful leader, but he seems not to have taught you manners. (Ain’t that the truth)
Gaara: probably… That’s why I am the Kazekage here
Earth: Gwa ha ha ha, cheeky fellow!!
Water: Tsuchikage-sama, do not interrupt. Please go on, Kazekage-sama
Gaara: I’m a former Jinchuuriki. I was abducted by Akatsuki and almost killed when they extracted the bijuu.
Temari, Kankurou are looking in the conversation
Kankurou: What’s with the Tsuchikage!
Gaara: That’s why, thinking of the extreme threat posed by Akatsuki, I made many requests for the five kage to collaborate, but I was ignored. …Apart from the former Hokage. Now that Jinchuuriki have been taken, it is too late to collaborate.
Earth: Huh… The Jinchuuriki of the hidden villages of the five great countries have been taken. What would it show to other countries is they knew. We would be ashamed! It is common sense to keep our secrets. Now that they have been taken, the assistance of other countries cannot be counted on!!
Akazuchi and Kurozuchi (earth people) look on silently
Gaara: Keeping appearances… Honor… That is stupid ancient thinking
Earth: (huh… What a brat…)
2nd part
Water: The fact they have been taken should be a cause of alarm. To control them, we need techniques, knowledge, and time.
Earth: The Jinchuuriki grow with the bijuu. They need to adapt. And even then their control is difficult… Not to say impossible… Isn’t it?… Kazekage…
Gaara: …
Danzou: In the first place, the only people who could ever control bijuus in the true sense were Uchiha Madara and the first Hokage, Hashirama… And the fourth Mizukage, Yagura …There was also the brother of the Raikage, Killer Bee, but…
Fire and Water minders react.
Raikage: Enough with all this useless chatter!!
All the minders move in to calm him down
A strike, another strike stopping it. We can see Kankurou’s puppet
Mifune: This is a meeting, people. Mind your manners
Danzou: Calm down, Fuu, Rune.
Gaara: You too, Kankurou, Temari.
Water: Aoi (?), Chojiro, no problem…
Earth nods to Aka- and Kurozuchi
Raikage: Konoha! Rock! Sand! Cloud! Akatsuki is made of missing-nins from you villages! And that’s not all!! Your predecessor kages included, there are some among you who have made use of Akatsuki before!!
Gaara: Made use…?
Raikage: I cannot trust you all! I did not want to talk to you at all! But I came, and I called you here, to ask your word!!
Gaara: What do you mean, made use of Akatsuki!?
Raikage: They didn’t tell you anything, even though you’re the Kazekage? Ask the old-timers of your village! You used Akatsuki in previous battles!
Earth: …
3rd part
Earth: The great countries are all at peace now… We have switched from the armament race to disarmament. With the tension between countries, the risk of battle has diminished. For the countries, the military forces are now a costly burden… But there is still a risk of sudden wars! It is a problem to rely on shinobis without combat experience, you lose battles that way
Gaara: To avoid this risk, one way is groups of mercenaries… That is what Akatsuki was, then?
Earth: It takes times and money to raise good shinobis in our village, but Akatsuki, whose occupation is to always fight, is a team of professionals. But for not much money, they gave superior results!
Raikage: Don’t be so defiant, Tsuchikage!
Earth: Huh!
Raikage: The sand used Akatsuki to attack Konoha, that’s Orochimaru…! It is unclear whether at that time, he had left Akatsuki or not! And the former Hokage and Kazekage died
Raikage: I would like to be sure nobody schemed all this
Raikage looks at Danzou (perceptive, ain’t he?)
Raikage: (…Old racoon…)
Raikage: The most suspicious of all is hidden mist!! You have no diplomatic relations… There are rumors that Akatsuki started there!!
Water: …
Water: Since we’re at that point, I’ll say it clearly…
Aoi: Could the fifth (Mizukage) mean that…!
Water: The previous kage… There are suspicions that the fourth mizukage could have been manipulated by someone… It may well have been by Akatsuki… That’s why I did not want to talk about it…
Raikage: All of you…!!
Earth: …!!
4th parth
Earth: Mind your tongue, Raikage! Even though this is a time of disarmament, you are not follwing, and are gathering forces and techniques… Maybe you hired Akatsuki too
Raikage: What!!
Danzou: Before you start bickering, there is something I wanted to say to all of you…
Raikage: What!?
Danzou: The leader of Akatsuki is probably Uchiha Madara
Four others: !?
Earth: That guy surely died long ago…!?
Danzou: We don’t know that for sure… but we have pretty clear information
Earth: Was he really such a monster?…
Mifune: From the point of view of a neutral country, I’ll say this. The leader of Akatsuki has read how the times were going… Peaceful countries… And has magnified the distrust between countries… Even in the iron country… But this has turned to our good fortune… Did the five kage not gather, for once? Until Akatsuki is destroyed… The hidden villages of the five greatest countries in the world… could form a joint alliance.
Raikage: An alliance!?
Danou: …Good plan. We need a collaboration equal to the emergency (…going the right way)
Mifune: It is desirable to have a unified command, in order to minimize the confusion
Earth: Then… The problem is, whom do we entrust the authority over the alliance…
Mifune: There is disagreement between you… As a neutral country, our choice would be more respected. I would like to propose who would be the best among the five kage.
Danzou: The ear of Tsunade is now over
Final part
Sakura’s tent
Sakura: Naruto…!
Sai: Yes… To protect Sasuke, he got badly hurt… But he couldn’t sell Sasuke. And then… He did not tell you, so as not to make you worry
Sakura: …
Sakura: (Naruto…)
Sai: Now he’s gone to ask the Raikage to forgive Sasuke… It’s probably hopeless…
Shizune: But why be so reckless? Kakashi is with him
Sai: Kakashi-sensei trusts Naruto. I think that even though it was hopeless, he wanted to create a chance
Shizune looks at sleeping Tsunade
Sai: I was initially assigned to Kakashi’s team to replace Sasuke, so that’s why I don’t understand them too well… …I don’t understand people’s feelings too well either
Sai thinks of his talk with Naruto
Naruto: (…I can’t even keep my promises…)
Sai: And I don’t know what was your promise with Naruto…
Sakura: …!
Sakura remembers the promise
(Naruto… It’s my wish of a lifetime… Please, bring back Sasuke-kun)
Sai: But… That Naruto really likes you… Even me, I can tell that!!
Sakura: …!!
Sakura’s flashback (yay…)
Small Naruto: Sakura-chan Likes Sasuke a lot…
Tears in her eyes
Small Naruto: I know that Sakura-chan is hurting so much, it’s painful… I will definitely bring him back home! It’s my promise in a lifetime!!
Tears are flowing from her eyes
Small Naruto: …Sakura-chan! I… will definitely keep my promise. I don’t change back on my word. That is my way of the ninja…
Sakura: Wa… ha…
Okay, she’s crying
Shizune: Sakura…
Sakura: Uh…
Sai: Naruto is suffering because of Sasuke but… what about you?
Sakura realizing
Back to the meeting
Mifune: Now, only Konoha has a Jinchuuriki… The way he’s guided is the key… So how about giving the supreme command of the alliance to the Hokage?
Gaara: …
Raikage: What!?
Earth: Huh!?
Will the meeting be a carnage…!?
That’s all folks.
Naruto 458 Quote : “Then I will break that curse. If there’s such thing as peace, I will find it. I won’t give up!” ~ Naruto
Bleach 368 Spoiler Script
credits : Nja
ヒジキ 隊長を連れ戻す!?
盲目 お前は本当の恐怖を知らないからそんな事をいえるんだ
WWとマシろ 白キーックが顔面にあたり吹っ飛んだ所で
素人とひよりは どっちがちびかとの言い争いで(つっこみ2人)リサがハリベルとタイマンへ
髑髏の方へ 結界師があなたの弱点はわかってますと余裕で結界で包囲するが
髑髏 ?鬼門?も老いがあるとは知らなかったのか?と結界を破って
Bleach 368 Spoiler Script English Translation
Tousen: You are not able to speak of your true fears because you do not know of them
Let me teach you your true fears
Mashiro kicks Wonderweiss in the face
Harribel faces Toushirou and gang
While Toushirou and Hiyori argue over who is the chibi, Lisa faces off with Harribel
Hacchi easily identifies Barragan’s weak spots and easily surrounds him in a barrier
Barragan: Demon gate? There is no one who is as old as me who does not know of this. He then breaks the barrier.
Hacchi’s expression turns pale and the chapter ends
Another Bleach 368 Spoiler from 69
Hisagi says to Tousen, ‘I’ll make you open your eyes with all the techniques you’ve taught me and then I’ll bring you back to SS’ and Tousen replies, ‘Someone who doesn’t know what terror is has no right to challenge me to a fight. I’ll return you words to you filled with terrors that are like shards’ [TN: Is he getting all poetic on us?... ]
wwのお気に入りだったらしく、wwが切れてセロを放とうとするが白にドロップキックかまされ て地面に激突
Fura is the name of the thing that spits menos. [TN: about Superchunky is my best guess]
This thing was WW’s beloved pet it seems, so WW snaps and decides to fire a cero, but is hit with Mashiro’s drop-kick and then crashes into the ground.
Mashiro: ‘Yay!Victory!
Hitsugaya asks Hiyori: ‘Take care of Hallibel, I want to fight Aizen’
Hiyori gets exasperated, calls him chibi, and here goes the quarrel
During this argument Lisa simply stars fighting [TN: yeah, she's the only one sensible enough out there))))]
ハッチ、ソイフォンにお久しぶりデスと挨拶。ソイフォンは仮面組を快くおもってないらしく、他人のフリをす る。
Hacchi greets Soifon saying, ‘It’s been a long time’
But it seems that Soifon is not exactly glad to see the vizards, and tries to pretend that she doesn’t know them.
Hacchi and Barragan start fighting.
Hacchi’s words: ‘I came [to fight you specifically] because I’ve seen your ability and I can counter it’
But his kidou is, too, destroyed by aging.
The end
Bleach 368 Quote : “No one stands on the top of the world. Not you, not me, not even gods. But the unbearable vacancy of the throne in the sky is over. From now on…I will be sitting on it.” Sōsuke Aizen
Bleach 368 spoiler End.. —
Naruto 454 Spoiler Pictures
Naruto 454 Spoiler Script
Verification : Pending
credits : Nja @2ch
土影様から 小さなおじいちゃんが土影様
*Starting with the Tsuchikage – the Tsuchikage is a little old man
He’s a stubborn old man who throws his back out trying to carry his own bags
赤ツチ・黒ツチってお供二人を連れ(男女…男はアンパン○ンみたいなやつ女はアンコをさらにき つくしたような感じ)
The old man is followed by two people named Akatsuchi and Kurotsuchi (one is male and one is female – the man looks like Anpanman and the woman looks like a rougher version of Anko)
And they make their way to the 5-kage Meeting
水影様 髪型を変えたツナデの様な人
Next is the Mizukage who looks sort of like Tsunade only with a different hairstyle
She is followed by some guy Ao and one of the Seven Swordsmen as they too head off to the 5-kage Meeting
最近の若いやつは 根気 がないな~そんな説教してたら 遅れ ちゃい~
Presumably Mizukage’s two followers are talking: “Kids these days just don’t have enough patience” and “If you keep lecturing like that we’ll be late”
が 婚期が遅れる… と勘違いし
But the Mizukage misheard them and thought that they said that she’ll be too late/old to marry anyone (the Mizukage hears 婚期 (“konki”) = a person’s marrying age instead of 根気 (“konki”) which means perseverance/patience and also hears the word “late”)
だまれ殺すぞ っていっちゃう美人
The Mizukage then says – “Shut up, I’ll kill you”
雷影様 こいつはいいなあつすぎる男 さあ いくぞおおおおおお っていって部屋を突き破って 出発
Then there’s the Raikage who is super pumped and says “Let’s gooooo!” and likely crashes right through the wall of the room he was in as they leave
Then on to Naruto
人気のないところに連れてきたナルト さっさと情報よこせと言われるがやっぱサスケは売れない …
Naruto takes Samui/Omoi/Karui to a less popular area. They tell him to cough up everything he knows about Sasuke but he won’t sell Sasuke out…
He gives them the old “If you kill Sasuke then you’ll be throwing the chains of hatred on the people of both villages” line.
So they ask,” Well then what should we do about our hatred?”
ナルトの答えは 気が済むまで殴ってくれ→ナルトフルボッコタイムへ
Naruto’s answer is that they can beat the crap out of him until they feel better -> which leads to Naruto punching bag time
Then the chapter switches to Danzou
根 アンコには2人の見張りがついていますがやりますか?
Root Member: “We have two members following Anko, should we (presumably attack/kill her)?
Danzou: Right now is an important time. If we did that then things would get more difficult.
それよりカブトをはやく発見するんだ(あいつは私とおろち丸の関係を知っているかもしれ ん…)
Focus instead on finding Kabuto (He might know my connections with Orochimaru…)
Searching for the medical data he has accumulated thus far as well as documents on Orochimaru’s experiments take top priority.
They may have something in them that could prove useful for my right eye and hand/arm…
ONE PIECE 549 Spoiler Pictures
ONE PIECE 549 Spoiler Summaries & Predictions
Source: んじゃ @ 2ch
Verification: Confirmed
こうやって生きてる ゼハハ
改めてよろしくなと シリュウ黒髭の仲間に
バギーの経歴がいっせいにいわれ こんな大物が隠れ潜んでいたとはな~
Translation by Godsleftsock @ apforums
Cover story shows Franky standing in front of a house.
Shiryuu saves Blackbeard with the antidote. Seems like Shiryuu is part of their crew.
Luffy and crew get a call from the Navy.
Ace is climbing a dark set of stairs remembering a promise he made with Luffy when they were kids.
“Let’s live a life with no regrets.”
It ends with Ace coming out of the dark stairway into a bright place.
Bleach 364 Spoiler Pics
Verification : COnfirmed
Credits : Nja @2ch
wwさん浮竹さんを ドン! 馬鹿な…(後ろから胸を突き破る手)
wwがものすごい雄たけびをあげる おおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおお
氷山にヒビがわれ中から プリンセスティアハリベル様が…素人が恐る恐る後ろを向くと
煙が立ち込める中かから骸骨の王様がちらり… ガクブル蜂女さん
キラが狐隊長さんに ここは任せて隊長いってください
炎があっというまに消え中から 3人
キラ 終わったか…
待てや! 久しぶりだの〜愛染!
と 仮面グループが来たところで
English Translation
The progress seems epic this time
Color Page Is Ishida
Wonderweiss with the huge thing that was with Aizen before)
Wonderweiss attacks Ukitake. Don! “Impossible…” (WW’s hand tore through Uki’s back)
Shunsui, after seeing, slashes at WW, but at that time, Stark shoots him in the back.
The two of them (Uki and Shunsui) falls to the ground, and Stark looks on.
“Sorry. Seems like Aizen-sama wants to hurry this up, sending out Wonderweiss. Nothing personal…”
Wonderweiss cries a very powerful battle cry. (OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!)
From inside the ice mountain, Harribel is seen with a mean/scary look on her face.
And the form of Barragan is seen standing amongst the smoke. Soifon looks shocked (Cez: I think)
Kira calls to Koma, “Leave this to me, please go, Taichou”
Kira: “Is it over…?”
Aizen steps forward
“Wait! Long time no see, Aizen!”
With that, the vizards have arrived.
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