Bleach ブリーチ 364 spoiler

Bleach 364 Spoiler Pics

Verification : COnfirmed
Credits : Nja @2ch



wwさん浮竹さんを ドン! 馬鹿な…(後ろから胸を突き破る手)


wwがものすごい雄たけびをあげる おおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおお

氷山にヒビがわれ中から プリンセスティアハリベル様が…素人が恐る恐る後ろを向くと

煙が立ち込める中かから骸骨の王様がちらり… ガクブル蜂女さん

キラが狐隊長さんに ここは任せて隊長いってください
炎があっというまに消え中から 3人

キラ 終わったか…


待てや!  久しぶりだの〜愛染!

と 仮面グループが来たところで

English Translation

The progress seems epic this time
Color Page Is Ishida

Wonderweiss with the huge thing that was with Aizen before)
Wonderweiss attacks Ukitake. Don! “Impossible…” (WW’s hand tore through Uki’s back)

Shunsui, after seeing, slashes at WW, but at that time, Stark shoots him in the back.

The two of them (Uki and Shunsui) falls to the ground, and Stark looks on.

“Sorry. Seems like Aizen-sama wants to hurry this up, sending out Wonderweiss. Nothing personal…”

Wonderweiss cries a very powerful battle cry. (OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!)

From inside the ice mountain, Harribel is seen with a mean/scary look on her face.

And the form of Barragan is seen standing amongst the smoke. Soifon looks shocked (Cez: I think)

Kira calls to Koma, “Leave this to me, please go, Taichou”

In the next second, the fire prison disappeared in the blink of eye, and the 3 people are there.

Kira: “Is it over…?”

Aizen steps forward

“Wait! Long time no see, Aizen!”

With that, the vizards have arrived.



Penulis : Adexkai ~ Orang yang lagi kepingin nulis

Artikel Bleach ブリーチ 364 spoiler ini dipublish oleh Adexkai pada hari Rabu, 01 Juli 2009. Semoga artikel ini dapat bermanfaat.Terimakasih atas kunjungan Anda silahkan tinggalkan komentar.sudah ada 0 komentar: di postingan Bleach ブリーチ 364 spoiler

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