Jenis-Jenis Port Beserta Fungsinya

Berikut Jenis-Jenis Port beserta fungsinya :

1. Port power supply kabel power listrik
Fungsi : 
Port ini digunakan untuk menghubungkan power supply dengan CPU

2. Port ps/2 mouse
Fungsi : 
Port ini disebut dengan port serial type 2 yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan mouse
Port ini digunakan untuk mouse dengan model lama
3. Port ps/2 keyboard
Fungsi : 
Port ini disebut dengan port serial type 2 yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan keyboard 

4. Port USB
Fungsi :
Port ini merupakan port multi fungsi yang dapat digunakan pada beberapa perangkat atau feriperal lainnya seperti mouse, keyboard, modem, card wireless, dan lain sebagainya. Port USB merupakan pengembangan dari port serial. Saat ini, port usb paling populer digunakan, misalnya untuk flash disk, harddisk eksternal, mouse, keyboard. Kelebihan dari port USB adalah kemudahannya dalam melakukan koneksi device ke komputer, sehingga banyak alat dapat dipasang secara plug and play. USB ini dirancang tidak tergantung pada ekspansion slot, dan USB yang dipasang tidak perlu melakukan booting ulang komputer. Selain itu, USB juga mendukung arsitektur daisy-chain ganda, yaitu penggunaan USB hub. Sebuah USB hub dapat menampung banyak device USB. Jumlah tingkat atau level USB hub yang tersusun maksimal 5 tingkat, sedangkan jumlah USB device yang dapat terkoneksi ke sebuah kontroler USB maksimal 127 buah. 

5. Port serial
Fungsi : 
Port ini memiliki sembilan pin yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan mouse, joystick dan modem eksternal. Port serial bekerja dengan mengirim data 1 bit pada satu saat melalui kabel tunggal. 
port ini mempunyai kemampuan transfer data dengan kecepatan lebih kecil dengan jenis pararel. Port serial yaitu; COM1, COM2, COM3, dan COM4. kabel konektor untuk COM1/COM3 adalah 9 pindan untuk COM2/COM4 adalah 25 pin

6. Port parallel
Fungsi : Port ini digunakan untuk menghubungkan CPU dengan printer dan modem eksternal serta periferal lainnya yang memiliki kabel untuk port parallel. Port paralel bekerja dengan mengirim dan menerima beberapa bit pada satu saat melalui satu set kabel. Termasuk dalam port paralel adalah port penghubung printer, modem, dan port penghubung disk drive. 

7. Port video (monitor) / Port VGA
Fungsi : 
Port ini menghubungkan monitor dengan CPU dan membuat monitor menampilkan isi dari cpu tersebut

8. Port parallel
Fungsi : 
Port ini digunakan untuk menghubungkan CPU dengan printer dan modem eksternal serta periferal lainnya yang memiliki kabel untuk port parallel. Port paralel bekerja dengan mengirim dan menerima beberapa bit pada satu saat melalui satu set kabel. Termasuk dalam port paralel adalah port penghubung printer, modem, dan port penghubung disk drive.
port paralel dapat menerima atau membaca data beberapa bit sekaligus melalui sejumlah kabel yang dimilikinya. Oleh sebab itu seara umum port paralel lebih cocok untuk alat yang melakukan banyak perpindahan data
port yang mempunyai kemampuan menteranfer data dengan kecepatan standart parallel port (SPP) 200 Kb / detik. Port parallel terdiri dari: LPT1, LPT2 dan LPT3. kabel konektor adalah 25 pin.

9. Port network (RJ-45) / LAN Port
Fungsi : 
Port ini digunakan untuk menghubungkan komputer satu dengan komputer lainnya (jaringan LAN)
Juga berfungsi menghubungkan CPU dengan jaringan komputer.
Port ini juga biasa digunakan untuk menyambungkan komputer dengan internet

10. Port sound card (line in, out, mic)
Fungsi : 
berfungsi menghubungkan CPU dengan peralatan audio (speaker, mic, dan tv tuner)
Port ini terdiri dari 3 port yaitu port line in, line out, dan microphone.

11. Port serial
Fungsi : 
Port ini memiliki sembilan pin yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan mouse, joystick dan modem eksternal. Port serial bekerja dengan mengirim data 1 bit pada satu saat melalui kabel tunggal. 
Port serial hanya dapat menerima atau membaca data satu-persatu dalam ukuran 1 bit melalui satu kabel tunggal.
port serial lebih cocok untuk peralatan yang tidak banyak melakukan perpindahan data. Port serial popular digunakan oleh mouse dan kibor

12. Port modem line telepon  
Fungsi : 
Port ini berfungsi sebagai penghubung untuk internet memakai modem dial up (jaringan telepon)


ONE PIECE 555 Spoiler 「ワンピース 第555話」

ONE PIECE 555 Spoiler Pictures

Source: 2ch
Verification: Confirmed
Download: ONE PIECE 555 Cam Raw (LQ)

ONE PIECE 555 Spoiler ONE PIECE 555 Spoiler ONE PIECE 555 Spoiler

ONE PIECE 555 Spoiler ONE PIECE 555 Spoiler ONE PIECE 555 Spoiler

ONE PIECE 555 Spoiler ONE PIECE 555 Spoiler ONE PIECE 555 Spoiler

ONE PIECE 555 Spoiler ONE PIECE 555 Spoiler ONE PIECE 555 Spoiler

ONE PIECE 555 Spoiler ONE PIECE 555 Spoiler ONE PIECE 555 Spoiler

ONE PIECE 555 Spoiler ONE PIECE 555 Spoiler ONE PIECE 555 Spoiler

ONE PIECE 555 Spoiler


Source: jXRWzEXB0 @ 2ch
Verification: Confirmed

ONE PIECE 555 Spoiler ONE PIECE 555 Spoiler


ONE PIECE 555 Spoiler Summaries and Predictions

Source: nja @ 2ch
Verification: Confirmed

タイトル オーズと笠 扉絵はナミで空島からウェザーリポート

巨人の海兵達も 見下ろしながらの戦闘は何度もしているが見上げながらの戦闘は初めてだな
芳香脚 で次々に石化されたやつらが粉々とかにされていく
海軍兵 海軍を敵にまわすのか~!?
ハンコック 白ひげと戦う事には承諾したが男は全員敵 あの方 を除いては
      それはわかっていただきたい 私の美しさで免じて ドン!!(うひょ~)
海軍兵  何だと~ハア ハア w

白ひげ しょうがねえやつだなお前は死にたがりと勇者は違うんだぞ~
オーズJr わかってくだせえ~一刻もはやくエースくんを助けてえんだ!
白ひげがオーズを援護してやれ と部下にいうが的が大きすぎて集中砲火をくらいまくるオーズ
しかし進み広場前まで来るが 熊の衝撃 をクマーから喰らいボロボロになるJr
なりながらみるJr ここからオーズとエースの回想へ













エース お前は太陽に近いから笠をやるよ!!
脇役  自分は火なのに2度も燃やしながら作った笠だ大事にしろよ~
それから 雨の日顔にかからない~雪の日もポツンと座り 雪が積もらない~

オーズ 倒れるが腕を伸ばしエースをつかもうとするが
影男が ドフラのやろう俺が死体をもらうっていったのに足斬りやがって!!
影で作ったくそ長い槍をオーズの心の臓を突き刺し オーズ絶命した所で 完



English Translation by Aohige_AP

Title: Oars and kasa
coverstory: Nami’s weather report in sky island
(kasa is a type of buddhist hat)

The story starts out with Oars rampaging through the marines.
He’s about to break through their defence line.
The giant marines say how they usually fight looking down, they’ve never fought looking UP
They charge in to Oars Jr, but can’t stop him.

Oars breaks through their defences, and the pirates follow him into the bay
The first pirates to break through charges at Hancock, but she turns them all into stone
She attacks with Aroma Kicks (Nja didn’t provide with furigana, so we don’t know what the
move is really called, Aroma Kick is from the kanji)
And the stoned pirates shatter into pieces.
However, some marines got caught in the fray and shattered as well.
Marines are questioning if she’s going to turn against them.
Hancock replies, she agreed to fight Whitebeard, but you men are all still my enemies.
Well, other than “that man”. You have to realize that. Forgive me… for my beauty.
Marines become lovelydovey

The unstoppable Oars comes right next to Whitebeard
Whitebeard advises him that bravery and wanting to die is a different thing.
Oars Jr asks him (politely) to understand him, he just wants to save Ace as soon as possible

Whitebeard orders his men to support Oars, but Oars takes focused fire by the marines due to his size
Still he gets to the square where Ace is held, but Kuma attacks him with Ursa Shock, and Oars is badly damaged.
He has a huge kasa on his back, but that falls onto the sea.
Oars stairs at it, as the scene goes to flashback….


second half of Nja spoiler

Ace: Because you’re closer to the sun, I’ll give you this kasa!
Ace’s crew: Because he’s fire, he burned this thing up twice while attempting to make it… take care of it!
The kasa kept him from getting wet in rain, and stopped snow from gathering around him.

Oars gets back on his feet, to save the gentle hearted Ace
To at least take out one Shichibukai….
He attacks DoFlamingo, but DoFlamingo casually dodges it, and flies up in the sky.
He jumps to around Oars Jr’s head, then cuts off his right leg. (with a powerful unseen string?)
Oars falls down, but he tries to reach out to grab Ace
Moria: Damn that bastard Doflamingo!! I told him I wanted his corpse, but he goes and cuts off his leg!!
He creates a long spear made of shadow, and stabs Oars in the heart.

The chapter ends as Oars Jr die.

First part is all Hancock ruleeeeezzzzz
Second half is all Noooooooo OARSSSSsssssss


Source: jXRWzEXB0 @ 2ch
Verification: Confirmed










English Translation by SVG

Well, spoiler says the title is ‘Returning the favor’
Flashback of Ace encountering and saving Oars Jr. while searching for Blackbeard
Doflamingo laughs like a madman and goes on a rampage bloodying up Oars
Oars tries to reach Ace but collapses
Chapter ends with WB walking to the scene



Naruto Manga Chapter 460 Bahasa Indonesia

Gan gag pake lama....

Nui Naruto terbaru.....

Naruto Manga Chapter 460 Bahasa Indonesia

By IAFST....

Gue ikut nge-clean loh.....Hahahay....


One Piece 554 Bahasa Indonesia

Gan gw langsung kasih One Piece 554 terbaru.....

Gag pake lama....

Nieh Linknya...

One Piece 554 Bahasa Indonesia

Langsung ke TKP gan....

Sedot pelan2, jangan sampai tersedak...


Bleach Chapter 369-370 Bahasa Indonesia

Gan gw kasih nieh Bleach 369-370 Indo....

Thanx to Blood Team for Awesome Scanlation.....

Bleach 369 Indo by Blood Team

Bleach 370 Indo by Blood Team

Langasung sedot gan....!!!

Sedot pelan2.....!!!!

Naruto 459 Bahasa Indonesia by IAFST

Gan gw kasih nie Naruto terbaru......

Yupz Chapter 459 gan....

Gw ikutan clean lho di Chapter nie (narsis mode : on)

Nie Linknya :

Naruto 459 Bahasa Indonesia by IAFST

Kualitas MediumQ/HighQ boz dibanding SleepyFans (LowQ)

Creditnya :
Raw : Ju-Ni , Agent007

English Trans : Sakura

Indo Trans : Acosk

Cleaner : Sarvorva , Adexkai , Myflaz , UF (Jounin Depok) , Pein1984 , Ace Mera2,

Typesetter : Ace Mera2

Ayo diskusikan tentang chapter ini di link bawah :

Diskusi Naruto 459

Enjoy Gan!!! Jangan Lupa Comment!!!


One Piece 553 Bahasa Indonesia by IOPC

Nie gw kasih One Piece keluaran terbaru.....

Special Thanx to IOPC yang udah scanlate this chapter again......

Nie Linknya :

One Piece 553 Bahasa Indonesia by IOPC

Ada bonus One Piece Movie 10 nya lho!!!

Untuk mendiskusikan chapter ini kunjungi link di bawah ini :

Diskusi One Piece 553
Jangan lupa daftar dulu boz.....



Naruto 459 Spoiler [ナルト 459]

Naruto 459 Spoiler Picture

naruto 459

naruto 459

naruto 459

naruto 459

naruto 459

naruto 459

naruto 459

naruto 459

naruto 459

naruto 459

naruto 459

naruto 459

Pic Translation

Eyepatch: That right eye… He seems to have robbed and transplanted the eye of Uchiha Shisui (wow)
Eyepatch: The eye technique of Shisui was to get in the brain of the other people
Eyepatch: A technique manipulating the person into fake thoughts, as if from his own will

Eyepatch: The person manipulated does not even notice it… An eye technique of the highest class!
Raikage: Hokage… Don’t tell me Mifune…!!!

Naruto 459 Spoiler

Source: nja @ 2ch
Verification: Confirmed



泣く いの からナルト・サクラを除く同世代らがなにやら会議



眼帯の下には 白眼

それは一度戦ったことのある うちはシスイ のモノとまったく同じものだった

その事でダンゾウを問い詰める 自分もかつて日向と戦い移植したものだが~

都合が悪くなった所に ゼツが出てきて

これから うちはサスケが襲撃にくるよ~ どこにいるかわかるかな~!?



English Translation

Ino cries, then there’s a meeting of people of the same generation¹ for some reason. Sakura and Naruto aren’t there.
Shikamaru goes to where Sakura is

He reports to Sakura that everyone got together to talk
The conclusion is that if Sasuke is caught up in hatred and revenge, as Konoha, they will… (kill him?)

For some reason, Sakura seems to go from being dazed to making a decision
I’m going to talk to Naruto

To the conference
The Mizukage’s attendent with the eyepatch senses that the atmosphere has turned strange for some reason
Under the eyepatch is the Byakugan
In Danzou’s right face and arm, he sees a chakra flow he once saw before…

It is exactly the same as Uchiha Shisui, whom he once fought
(Shisui’s Sharingan had a doujutsu that allowed him to go into his opponent’s mind and manipulate them, even without the opponent realising it)

He questions Danzou about it: I too once fought a Hyuuga and got a transplant, but…

What if I were the one who unravelled the Fourth Hokage’s jutsu (Danzou was the one manipulating?)

As the circumstances worsen, Zetsu appears

After this, Uchiha Sasuke will attack. I wonder if you know where he is…!?

It ends with him saying something like this

It seems Sasuke is going full speed down the path of evil, already being searched by the Five Countries as a dangerous criminal…



Bleach 369 Spoiler [ブリーチ 369]

Bleach 369 Spoiler – ブリーチ 369 Picture

bleach 369

Pic Translation

Barragan: What?…
Hacchi: You used your ‘aging’ power on Soifon-taichou bankai a little while ago, making it explode, but you had to fly over to another place to avoid the blast wave… So if you’re in a place where you absolutely can’t escape from the blast wave, your ‘aging’ power simply won’t make it in time because the explosion will be too close… What’ll happen if you’re being bathed in it?…
Barragan: You… bastards…
Soifon: C’mon, fire one more time…

Bleach 369 Spoiler – ブリーチ 369

credits :mico

ブリーチ BLEACH ネタバレ 369.Spit On Your Own God
少年ジャンプ 2009年37.38号

<<< バラガン VS ハッチ・砕蜂 >>>

バラガン:「鬼道には 〝老い〟が無いとでも思ったか?」

ハッチの張った結界は 脆くも崩れ去った

バラガン:「 滑 稽 」

バラガン:「人には死があり 鳥獣には死があり 死神にも死がある
      そして 死あるものの前には全て〝老い〟が存在する
      人の造りし物に死があるならば 死神の造りし〝鬼道〟もまた同じ
      当然じゃ もとより 永遠などと言う言葉は
      老いに対する恐れのあまり 生み出された妄想に過ぎん
      さあ 滅びろ」

今まで 黙ってバラガンの話を聞いていたハッチだったが 
突然 ハッチは手を叩き始めた

ハッチが叩く度に 数え切れないほど出てくる板状のものは
次に ハッチが手を動かしたように キレイに並び始め
バラガンとハッチ達を隔てる 巨大な壁となった


バラガンの一撃は その巨大な壁により防がれた
ハッチは両手を合わせ そして唱え始めた

ハッチ:「軍相八寸 退くに能わず
     青き閂(かんぬき) 白き閂 黒き閂 赤き閂
     相贖いて(あいあがないて) 大海に沈む」

      詠唱破棄で 放った術に 詠唱を追加して強化する
      賢しいことよ・・・ じゃが 間に合わん!!!」

ハッチは唱えるのを止めると同時に 合わせていた手を開いた




ハッチは再び 思うままに手を動かし
巨大な壁を ホームベースの様な形の物に変えた後

ハッチ:「砕蜂サン!! 力を貸して下サイ!!
     あなたノ・・・ 卍解の力が必要デス!!」

砕蜂:「・・・私の卍解の事まで 貴様らには筒抜けか・・・
    浦原喜助・・・ つくづく 不愉快な男だ・・・」

     でも 今はそんな事言ってる時でハないんデス!!」

ハッチにそう言われ 〝そんな時ではない〟事ぐらい解ってるが
そんな砕蜂を見て ハッチは言った

ハッチ:「・・・・・・・・・・・・・ わかりマシタ
     でハ 交換条件を出しまショウ」

その頃 ハッチが「竜尾の城門」で壁を作り変えてから
バラガンは 次なる攻撃を仕掛けようとしていた

バラガン:「こんな大層なものを出しておいて 音沙汰なしとは

ギュン ギュ


そう バラガンが言うと同時に ハッチが口を開いた


するとバラガンの左横に 水車の歯のような形をしたものが出現した


するとバラガンの右横に 六角形の 亀の甲羅のようなものが出現した


するとバラガンの上空に 柱で出来た巨大な笠のようなものが出現した


するとバラガンは 前方を巨大な壁 
上空を〝鳳翼の城門〟に囲まれた形で ハッチの箱状の結界に閉じ込められた

バラガン:「フハハハハ!!! 滑稽 滑稽

ハッチ:「・・・その結界ハ アナタを封じる為のものではありまセン」


     アナタの遥か手前で爆発させ 爆風をよそへ飛ばして回避していた・・・
     ならバ その一撃を 爆風の力を全く逃がせない場所で・・・
     浴びせられたら どうデショウ?」


砕蜂は 風車の歯のような形をした〝虎咬の城門〟の背後に移り
その中心に 〝雀蜂雷公鞭〟の先端を合わせ

砕蜂:「もう一度誓え 明日から1月 浦原喜助を貴様の結界に閉じ込めるか?」



砕蜂:「〝雀蜂雷公鞭〟 やれ!!!」


〝雀蜂雷公鞭〟でバラガン ついにやったか?

Bleach 369 Spoiler English Translation

Barragan: You thought that kidou can’t ‘age’?

The barrier Hacchi put up becomes fragile and crumbles away, and Barragan says

Barragan: What a joke

Barragan: People die, birds and animals die, even shinigami die. But before the death comes everything ages. If there’s death for things made by humans, then the same goes for kidou made by shinigami. Maybe there are kidou that can exist for a thousand years, but there can’t be kidou that will last forever. Of course, the very notion of ‘eternity’ is just a delusion created because people are afraid of getting old so much. Now, perish!

Hacchi, who was silently listening to Barragan until now, suddenly starts clapping his hands

Every time Hacchi claps his hands there’s a plank-like thing appearing, then Hacchi makes a move with his hands and these planks start line up neatly and form a giant wall-barrier isolating Barragan from Hacchi&Co.


In an instance, Barragan is traped with this barrier. Hacchi claps his hands together and starts chanting.

Hacchi: Brethren-in-arms withdrawing for the distance of 8 sun and standing still; blue bolt (like a bolt on door), white bolt, black bolt, red bolt; sinking into the ocean together seeking redemption

Barragan: Incantation? The spell that is cast skipping incantation is strengthened if the incantation is added. A smart thing to do… But you won’t make it in time!

Hacchi stops his chanting and at the same time he opens his hands that were previously joint.


Hacchi: The Gate of Dragon Tail



Hacchi makes a move with his hands again, and the shape of the huge wall-barrier changes to something resembling a home plate [TN: from baseball]. He excitedly calls out to Soifon

Hacchi: Soifon-san! Help me please! We need the power of your bankai!

Soifon: You know even about my bankai… everything was passed to you, bastards?… Urahara Kisuke… he’s utterly unpleasant man…

Hacchi: I understand that you don’t want to cooperate with us as there’s a connection between us and Urahara-san. But right now is not the time to say such things!!

Hearing Hacchi’s words Soifon understands that ‘now is not the time’, but still doesn’t listen. Hacchi seeing her reluctance, says

Hacchi: I get it… Let’s make a deal then.

At this time, not seeing any response since Hacchi formed the wall-barrier with his ‘The Gate of Dragon Tail’, Barragan says ready to commence his next attack

Barragan: Even though you produced such a grand barrier, without agreement between you all it’s gonna be good for is buying you some time. “Rot away”!

gyan gya


Together with Barragan’s words Hacchi opens his mouth to say

Hacchi: The Gate of Tiger Fangs

And to Barragan’s left there’s a watermill fang-like thing appearing. And

Hacchi: The Gate of Turtle Shell

Now to Barragan’s right there’s a tortoise shell-like thing emerging

Hacchi: The Gate of Phoenix Wings!

Above Barragan there’s a huge conical lampshade-like thing which being supported on a pillar. And

Hacchi: The Final Gate of 4 Beasts!!!

Now there’s a huge wall before Barragan, on his left and right there’re Tiger Fang and Turtle Shell Gates and Phoenix Wing Gate from above, and now he’s completely surrounded as Hacchi closes his barrier.

Barragan: Bwahahaha! How funny, how funny! You’re planning to seal me with just that?

Hacchi: This is not a barrier to seal you.

Barragan: What?

Hacchi: You used your ‘aging’ power on Soifon-taichou’s bankai a little while ago. It exploded far away from you as you flew over to another place to avoid the blast wave… So if you’re in a place where you absolutely can’t escape from the blast wave, your ‘aging’ power simply won’t make it in time because the explosion will be too close… What’s going to happen if you’re being bathed in it?…

Barragan: You… bastards…

Soifon moves to the back of the windmill-fang-like shaped Gate of Tiger Fangs, sticks the pointed end of her ‘Hornet Thunder Whip’ in the middle, and faces towards Hacchi

Soifon: ‘Swear once again that you will imprison Urahara Kisuke in your barrier for a month starting tomorrow’

bleach 369

Hacchi: I swear

Soifon: Alright!

Soifon: ‘Hornet Thunder Whip’ here we go!


Did she really finish Barragan with ‘Hornet Thunder Whip’?

Bleach 369 Quote : “If it’s me, it would be a waste not to dance no matter what.” – Tite Kubo


One Piece 553 Raw Spoiler Pics

ONE PIECE 553 Spoiler Pictures

Source: 2ch
Verification: confirmed

One Piece 553 Spoiler One Piece 553 Spoiler One Piece 553 Spoiler

One Piece 553 Spoiler One Piece 553 Spoiler One Piece 553 Spoiler


One Piece 553 Spoiler One Piece 553 Spoiler One Piece 553 Spoiler

One Piece 553 Spoiler One Piece 553 Spoiler One Piece 553 Spoiler


ONE PIECE 553 Spoiler Summaries and Predictions

Source: 2ch
Verification: confirmed

パキン 青雉が消える
白髭「青キジィ… !!若僧が… !」
海軍「うわ 止まった…!!」
白髭 パンチ ドオン!!
青雉 「あらら」バリイン船員湾内も全て氷に!船の動きを封じられた!
傘下「 いい足場ができた さあいくぞ 俺達の力見せてやれ!!隊長達も出てきたぞ!!」
海軍「 砲撃を休めるな!!」
海賊「 ぐひゃくひゃ氷づけの海とは気が利いてる!気持ちが燃えたぎって暑苦しかったとこだ!打ち込め えー!」
大砲が 割れる スパパン!
海賊「そうかんたんにはいかねえか 海軍本部の 中将達だぁ!」
おつる「しゃらくさいこというんじゃないよひよこども 海の果てまで下がっても安全な場所なんてありゃしないよ」
ドフラ「始まったな… !!」
ミホーク「推し量るだけだ… 近く見える あのおとこと我々の本当の距離を…」
ドン!!海賊 鷹の目!! ジョズ「ウォォー 」
海軍「大将の攻撃をふさいだ!なんだ青い炎をまとってるぞ…! 一番隊長!!マルコ!!」
キザル「怖いねえ~ 白髭海賊団」


Source: 2ch
Verification: confirmed




Source: nja @ 2ch
Verification: confirmed

カラーは みんなの水着姿
タイトルは 頂上決戦

空から白ひげを氷の槍の雨で攻撃するが白ひげが ドン っと叩いたら

凍った海を 降りやすくなったな~っと隊長たちが次々と飛び出していく

3番隊隊長のやつが体で受け止める 全身ダイヤモンド人間

キザルも宙にまってそこから ヤシャガラス?だかなんだかの
1番隊隊長マルコが全部防ぐ 体からは青い炎




English Translation by Aohige_AP

The colored pages are of everyone in swimsuits
Chapter title: Battle of the Highest

The two tidal waves are both stopped by Aokiji’s Ice Age.
He attacks Whitebeard from the sky with rains of spears made of ice,
but Whitebeard simply punches the air, and shatters all the spears as well as Aokiji himself into pieces.

Because the sea is frozen, the division captains of WB’s ship comes down from the ship and walks on it, commenting on how it’s become easy to travel on.
(nja assumes they are probably all ability users)
Vice Admirals, with Otsuru and Garp vs division commanders 4~12? (he’s not sure)

Mihawk attacks Whitebeard with the world’s most powerful swordslash.
But division captain 3 stops it with his body. He’s entire body is made of diamond.

Kizaru flies to the sky too, and uses Yashagarasu? (nja is not sure)

And attacks Whitebeard with multiple rays of beams, but division commander 1 Marco stops all of it. He has blue flames coming out of his body.

It ends with Marco telling him you can’t have the king right away you know.

Their fruit names and ability were not explained yet.
